SentenceLDA: Discriminative and Robust Document Representation with Sentence Level Topic Model

Taehun Cha presenting the work at EACL 2024 (St. Julian’s, Malta)


A subtle difference in context results in totally different nuances even for lexically identical words. On the other hand, two words can convey similar meanings given a homogeneous context. As a result, considering only word spelling information is not sufficient to obtain quality text representation. We propose SentenceLDA, a sentence-level topic model. We combine modern SentenceBERT and classical LDA to extend the semantic unit from word to sentence. By extending the semantic unit, we verify that SentenceLDA returns more discriminative document representation than other topic models, while maintaining LDA′s elegant probabilistic interpretability. We also verify the robustness of SentenceLDA by comparing the inference results on original and paraphrased texts. Additionally, we implement one possible application of SentenceLDA on corpus-level key opinion mining by applying SentenceLDA on an argumentative corpus, DebateSum.

Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)
Taehun Cha
Taehun Cha
Ph.D. Candidate

There’s a cafe with my name.

Donghun Lee
Donghun Lee
Assistant Professor

Bridging artificial intelligence and mathematics, in both directions.