Noun-MWP: Math Word Problems Meet Noun Answers

Taehun and Jaeheun with the poster at COLING 2022 (Gyeongju, South Korea)


We introduce a new type of problems for math word problem (MWP) solvers, named Noun-MWPs, whose answer is a non-numerical string containing a noun from the problem text. We present a novel method to empower existing MWP solvers to handle Noun-MWPs, and apply the method on Expression-Pointer Transformer (EPT). Our model, N-EPT, solves Noun-MWPs significantly better than other models, and at the same time, solves conventional MWPs as well. Solving Noun-MWPs may lead to bridging MWP solvers and traditional question-answering NLP models.

Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
Taehun Cha
Taehun Cha
Ph.D. Candidate

There’s a cafe with my name.

Jaeheun Jung
Jaeheun Jung
Ph.D. Candidate

I have had my own named patent.

Donghun Lee
Donghun Lee
Assistant Professor

Connecting artificial intelligence and mathematics, in both directions.