One New Master Graduating from AIML@K!

In regalia: Donghun and Keunsuk

ONE new master have just graduated! Congratulations, and may the force be with you!

Keunsuk Cho now holds M.S. in Mathematics degree. His M.S. thesis, titled “Dataset Splitting for Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks”, explores the potential of data-level fine grained control of training schedule to improve the quality of conditional GANs.

Congratulations, Keunsuk, on earning your M.S. in Mathematics! Your hard work and dedication have truly paid off, and your thesis on “Dataset Splitting for Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks” marks a significant contribution to the field. We are proud of your achievements and honored to have had you as part of AIML@K.

May the force be with you as you embark on your next exciting journey!

Keunsuk Cho
Keunsuk Cho
M.S. Candidate

The very first Lim of AIML@K