Four AIML@K students serve as TAs for Korea University's first university-wide Python course

We are delighted to provide so many talented teaching assistants, selected via university-wide open recruiting, for Korea University’s first university-wide Python course. The course, titled “Software Programming Basics” (SW프로그래밍의 기초), is one of the mandatory courses for all first-years in Korea University.

“Software Programming Basics”, with Korea University(KU) course code GECT002, is a part of the core curriculum of Korea University since 2024. This means all first-year students, regardless of their major, are required to complete the course. As 2024 spring semester is its first offering, the role of teaching assistants include not only the regular duties but also on-the-fly improvements and ad-lib cover-ups when unexpected glitches happen. Kudos to all TAs who undertook the daunting task!

For more details, please check these out:

Chang-Hae Jung
Chang-Hae Jung
M.S. Student

Researching through models of various modalities

Hanyoung Kim
Hanyoung Kim
Ph.D. Student

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Nayoung Lee
Nayoung Lee
M.S. Student

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Suhyun Bae
Suhyun Bae
M.S. Student

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