Four New Masters Graduating from AIML@K!

In regalia: Jihun - Yanggee - Hanyoung

FOUR new masters have just graduated! Congratulations, and may force be with you all!

Yanggee Kim now holds M.S. in Mathematics degree. His M.S. thesis, titled “Can Policy Gradient Accelerate Diffusion Sampling?”, explores the capacity of a fundamental reinforcement learning method to make diffusion models work more efficiently.

Hanyoung Kim now holds M.S. in Financial Engineering degree. His M.S. thesis, titled “Financial Sentiment Analysis for Immediate Index Generating”, proposes a data-driven method to predict financial news index with natural language processing.

Jaehyuk Lee now holds M.S. in Mathematics degree. His M.S. capstone project, titled “Earthquake Imputation Using Conditional Diffusion”, demonstrates how diffusion-based generative model can produce realistic ground motion of earthquake shockwaves.

Jihun Lim now holds M.S. in Mathematics degree. His M.S. thesis, titled “Improving Generative Adversarial Network based on Wiener-Khinchin Theorem”, exposes mathematical implication of using power spectral density to train better generative adversarial networks.

It was our pleasure to have you all in AIML@K!

Yanggee Kim
Yanggee Kim
M.S. in Mathematics

The very first Kim of 640.

Hanyoung Kim
Hanyoung Kim
Ph.D. Student

I’m the last M.S. in Financial Engineering graduate managed from Econ department!

Jaehyuk Lee
Jaehyuk Lee
M.S. in Mathematics

The very first Lee of MDS program

Jihun Lim
Jihun Lim
M.S. in Mathematics

The very first Lim of AIML@K